Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Jess to witness NT intervention first hand

In July, Socialist Alliance election candidates will be taking a trip to the Northern Territory to personally witness conditions under the federal government's intervention into Aboriginal communities.

SA youth candidates — and Resistance members — Jess Moore, Zane Alcorn and Ewan Saunders will join Indigenous activists, students, community groups and campaigners from across the country in Alice Springs for an important gathering of intervention-affected Aboriginal communities.

As Aboriginal rights activists, they are part of the national campaign to repeal the intervention, and will return home more aware and more inspired to act against injustice and wage effective solidarity campaigns

Jess Moore, candidate for Cunningham

The intervention promised to "close the gap", but it only delivered racism.

Aboriginal people continue to be disadvantaged and discriminated against. They are being forced to live in Third World conditions in wealthy Australia, under legislation that required the suspension of the Racial Discrimination Act.

For access to essential goods, services and infrastructure — a basic right for white Australia — communities are being forced to sign over their land rights. It’s a policy of starving people out to take their land.

All those who support social justice have a responsibility to put the human impact of the racist intervention on the agenda this election. Out of sight cannot be out of mind. We must put an end to this!

Calls to fund infrastructure and social services in all Aboriginal communities across Australia need to be actively supported. Local community control, which has been undermined by successive governments, must be restored.

The movement for Aboriginal rights must take its lead from Aboriginal-led resistance, such as the Ampilatwatja walk-off. The convergence of activists and traditional owners at the "Defending Indigenous Rights: land, law, culture" convergence is an enormous opportunity to do just this.

It is an important means to further the campaign against the intervention, to protect and advance Aboriginal land rights and culture, draw attention to the struggle for justice and to support Aboriginal people.

For more visit: http://www.greenleft.org.au/node/44557

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Gillard equals more of the same - We need real change!

MEDIA RELEASE, Thursday June 24

Jess Moore, Socialist Alliance candidate for Cunningham, says Julia Gillard's ousting of Prime Minister Kevin Rudd is a blatant attempt to re-brand the Labor Party. She has called on people to vote for real change in the coming federal election.

"In the face of Rudd's epic nosedive in the polls since April this is a desperate attempt by Labor to re-brand itself. But the swearing in of Julia Gillard as Prime Minister will only mean more of the same for the people of Australia.

"As Kevin Rudd's deputy she has been as complicit as anyone in the actions of the ALP. This is a desperate attempt to re-badge a political party in crisis.

"Labor’s use of this same tactic in NSW with Kristina Keneally shows that, while it works in the short term, over time the focus shifts back to the issues.

"People are angry with what Labor has done - and failed to do - in government. We need real change, not more factional maneuvering from Labor.

"Gillard has been responsible for some of this government's most anti-social acts. As federal workplace relations minister, she maintained the Australian Building and Construction Commission which denies construction workers basic human rights. As education minister she allowed damaging school league tables to be used by the media, stigmatising those from disadvantaged schools.

"We shouldn't let the scrapping of Rudd fool us. We need a political alternative to the major parties.

"I promise to continue to push for real and immediate action on climate and for workers' rights. It's also important to continue the campaign against racism in this country, in particular the racism directed at asylum seekers. Australia must let the boats land and close the detention centres.

"In this federal election, we need real change, not more of the same", Moore concluded.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Community leader backs Jess

Lebanese community leader and anti-war activist Saeb Ali (pictured) has come out in support of Jess Moore.

'I support Jess because I believe she and other members of the Socialist Alliance stand for justice and equality', Ali said. 'This is something we in the Lebanese community have had direct experience with, especially during the invasion of our country (in 2006)', he said.

Ali was referring to the close collaboration between the Socialist Alliance and the Lebanese and Arabic-speaking community in organising a 600-strong Wollongong demonstration against Israel's brutal invasion of Lebanon in mid-2006.

When asked why he wasn't supporting the campaign of either Labor or Liberal, Ali responded: 'Neither of the major parties understand the issues facing our community; I don't see the opposition as a better alternative regarding the issue of equality and justice. This is important because we are being targeted; we're on the back foot.'

Despite the small size of Socialist Alliance, Ali considers support for their campaign as more important than whether or not they will be elected.

'A vote for Jess Moore and the Socialist Alliance is an important protest vote, a vote of appreciation for the work they've done. I tell my friends, 'Why should these people sacrifice their Sundays for us? Why should they suffer harassment? They are not Muslim or Lebanese, it's a very noble thing to do.''

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Jess speaks out for Gaza

Saturday's rally in Wollongong to condemn Israel's attack on the Freedom Flotilla was an amazing show of solidarity with the Arabic and Turkish communities. Over 300 people rallied to condemn Israel's attack, which was nothing more than murder on the high seas. Speakers included Saeb Ali, Peace for Lebanon; Jess Moore, Socialist Alliance; Umit Gunes, Muslim and Turkish community; Anthony Ashbolt, politics lecturer, Uni of Wollongong and Arthur Rorris, secretary South Coast Labour Council. The gathering unanimously endorsed a resolution calling on the Australian government to condemn Israel's attack and break ties with Israel until the siege is lifted. Check out Jess's speech here.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Jess backs local residents at Calderwood

On Saturday June 5, Jess addressed a public meeting of over 50 people in Albion park organised by the Greens. The meeting gathered to discuss the proposed Calderwood development, and growing public opposition including from residents, community groups - even the local business chamber and developers!
Concerns include the fact that the proposed development: will be heavily car dependent with inadequate access to public transport; is on flood prone and prime agricultural land; has proceeded using the undemocratic Part 3a planning laws; is simply not necessary according to Illawarra's planning strategy. The main concern pointed out by Jess was the unsustainable nature of the development. She argued that climate change needs to be the number one consideration when planning urban development. She also called for the abolition of the Part 3a powers.
Other speakers included local landowners and was hosted by Greens candidate for Throsby, Peter Moran.

Leaflet handed out at Gaza rally - click to enlarge

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Condemn Israel's attack on Freedom Flotilla!

Jess will be speaking at this important Wollongong rally condemning the Israeli government's outrageous attack on the Freedom Flotilla that left at least 10 people dead. The rally will demand that Israel lift its illegal and inhumane blockade on Gaza and allow delivery of urgently needed humanitarian aid.

Saturday June 5, 12 noon. Corner Crown & Kembla Sts Wollongong. Initiated by Illawarra NoWar. Endorsed by South Coast Labour Council. Ph 0425 329 963 for more info.