Saturday, August 21, 2010
Jess increases vote by 64% Big thanks to everyone!

Jess in today's Illawarra Mercury - fund student organisations!

Friday, August 20, 2010
Jess writes for Tertangala, UOW students' magazine

Thursday, August 19, 2010
Jess in Northern Leader this week

Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Jess in today's Illawarra Mercury

Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Jess speaks to Save Sandon Point rally
Watch Jess's speech to the Save Sandon Point rally on Sunday August 15, 2010. Jess couldn't make it on the day, so it was read out by local climate & Aboriginal rights activist, Ella Ryan.
For more information on the Sandon Point struggle visit http://www.sandon-point.org.au/
Youth activists say: Vote socialist and Green, then use your power!
“The spectacle of Labor and the Coalition blowing millions in an advertising slagging match is a turn off to younger voters,” said Moore, the national convener of socialist youth organisation Resistance.
Barnes, well-known Hobart climate activist, added: “The temptation for many young people is to turn off and vote informal, but that’s a mistake.
“We need to ignore the spin and demand some serious answers about the policies of parties on the issues that concern us."
Barnes recommended the web site Vote-o-Matic 2010 (at http://trog.qgl.org/voteomatic/) as a guide for undecided voters. The site orders parties according to people’s policy preferences on the issues in the election.
“The Socialist Alliance has produced a Policy Summary from Left to Right. (at www.socialist-alliance.org). Check it out and make up your own mind "
Jess Moore added: “But after voting socialist and Green, let’s act for the policies we have voted for—otherwise they´ll never happen.
“There is a lot at stake in this election for us - from climate change to our workplace rights to whether more young people's lives are going to be wasted in war of occupation of Afghanistan.
"It is our future and we can't let politicians in the pockets of big coal, big oil and big banks wreck it."
Barnes concluded: “Socialist Alliance candidates have had their best reception ever in this election campaign. That’s because we´ve spoken straight and we've addressed the big issues not played the manipulative politics of fear and spin".
Candidate profiles in Wollongong Advertiser

Monday, August 16, 2010
WIN TV coverage of Walk Against Warming
Watch WIN TV's excellent coverage of Wollongong's Walk Against Warming on Saturday August 14. Jess can be seen speaking from the platform, scroll down for her speech to the rally!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Jess speaks at Walk Against Warming
Watch Jess's speech to the 350 strong Walk Against Warming in Wollongong on August 14.