Saturday, August 21, 2010
Jess increases vote by 64% Big thanks to everyone!

Jess in today's Illawarra Mercury - fund student organisations!

Friday, August 20, 2010
Jess writes for Tertangala, UOW students' magazine

Thursday, August 19, 2010
Jess in Northern Leader this week

Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Jess in today's Illawarra Mercury

Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Jess speaks to Save Sandon Point rally
Watch Jess's speech to the Save Sandon Point rally on Sunday August 15, 2010. Jess couldn't make it on the day, so it was read out by local climate & Aboriginal rights activist, Ella Ryan.
For more information on the Sandon Point struggle visit http://www.sandon-point.org.au/
Youth activists say: Vote socialist and Green, then use your power!
“The spectacle of Labor and the Coalition blowing millions in an advertising slagging match is a turn off to younger voters,” said Moore, the national convener of socialist youth organisation Resistance.
Barnes, well-known Hobart climate activist, added: “The temptation for many young people is to turn off and vote informal, but that’s a mistake.
“We need to ignore the spin and demand some serious answers about the policies of parties on the issues that concern us."
Barnes recommended the web site Vote-o-Matic 2010 (at http://trog.qgl.org/voteomatic/) as a guide for undecided voters. The site orders parties according to people’s policy preferences on the issues in the election.
“The Socialist Alliance has produced a Policy Summary from Left to Right. (at www.socialist-alliance.org). Check it out and make up your own mind "
Jess Moore added: “But after voting socialist and Green, let’s act for the policies we have voted for—otherwise they´ll never happen.
“There is a lot at stake in this election for us - from climate change to our workplace rights to whether more young people's lives are going to be wasted in war of occupation of Afghanistan.
"It is our future and we can't let politicians in the pockets of big coal, big oil and big banks wreck it."
Barnes concluded: “Socialist Alliance candidates have had their best reception ever in this election campaign. That’s because we´ve spoken straight and we've addressed the big issues not played the manipulative politics of fear and spin".
Candidate profiles in Wollongong Advertiser

Monday, August 16, 2010
WIN TV coverage of Walk Against Warming
Watch WIN TV's excellent coverage of Wollongong's Walk Against Warming on Saturday August 14. Jess can be seen speaking from the platform, scroll down for her speech to the rally!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Jess speaks at Walk Against Warming
Watch Jess's speech to the 350 strong Walk Against Warming in Wollongong on August 14.
Liberals forced to pull misleading Google ads

Thursday, August 12, 2010
Jess speaks to 200 students at Wollongong Uni
Watch Jess Moore's speech to the 200-strong 'meet the candidates' forum organised by the Wollongong Undergrad. Students' Association (WUSA) on Wednesday August 11, 2010. There were speakers present from the Greens, Labor, Liberal, National & Non-Custodial Parents' Party.
'Young people can play an incredible role in making change'
Listen to Jess explain why she thinks young people are 'bored' with the federal election campaign, and Socialist Alliance's views on social change. Jess is also the national organiser of Resistance, socialist youth organisation.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Over 200 people attend university meet the candidates

Jess called on other candidates to actually explain their policies, rather than just issue platitudes on the need for change. She explained her opposition to the discriminatory NT intervention, the ABCC and the ban on same-sex marriage. She then outlined the Socialist Alliance's vision for a transition to 100% renewable energy, universal healthcare and education, free public transport, increased welfare benefits - all to be funded by taxing the billionaires and raising the corporate tax rate. See above post for video coverage of Jess's speech.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Walk Against Warming in the media

Ella Ryan, local climate activist, on JJJ's Hack
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Vote Climate website recommends vote for Jess Moore in Cunningham

Vote Climate provides detailed policy analysis based on available policy as the primary source, and public documents and public statements as a secondary source. Socialist Alliance is ranked first as the only party that has “policies that might stop runaway climate change” and that “adopt[s] a climate emergency response”.
The Greens are ranked second followed by the Democrats, as parties with “policies that won’t stop runaway climate change, but have numerous positive elements that will help the adoption of stronger response down the track”.
Labor and Liberal are also ranked as parties with “policies that won’t stop runaway climate change” and “take only limited action which will not stop global warming reaching dangerous levels quickly.”
Jess Moore, Socialist Alliance candidate in Cunningham and dedicated renewable energy campaigner, said: 'The science tells us we have about a decade to shift away from carbon-intensive practices if we are to avoid runaway climate change.This must be the starting point when developing policy to combat climate change. I am proud to be running for a party with the courage to put forward solutions that will give us a chance for a safe climate future.
'Australia faces a choice: continue with business as usual or make the changes needed for a safe climate future. But Labor and Liberal seem to think they can negotiate with the laws of physics and chemistry. They are totally tied to the interests of big polluters and refuse to take urgent action.
'Some politicians and corporate lobby groups even talk about climate change as though it were something to choose whether to believe in or not. But like the Earth being round, climate change is scientific fact. And the real question is: "are we going to solve the climate crisis or aren’t we"?
'The technology exists to move Australia to 100% renewable energy within 10 years. It will cost 3-3.5% of GDP. We can do this by taxing the corporate polluters and billionaires that were bailed out using public money during the financial crisis.
'Delay is denial. People want the government to take stronger action on climate change. Our policies on public transport, renewable energy and a just transition for workers to move out of polluting industries are an essential part of the required response. These policies would not only help avoid dangerous climate change but they would create jobs, cleaner environments and they would improve ordinary workers’ lives', Moore concluded.
Vote Climate describes Socialist Alliance’s policy as “driven by care for people, and they understand the direct connection between the environment, the services it provides and human well-being. They have reviewed climate science and impacts and concluded the mainstream response to climate change is nowhere near enough. The Socialist Alliance policy ... offers the best hope for the future.”
Media coverage of campaign

Union veterans back socialist candidate

Saturday, August 7, 2010
Liberals buy sponsored link for 'Jess Moore for Cunningham' on Google

Thursday, August 5, 2010
Jess explains socialist approach to elections on WIN TV
Watch Jess explain Socialist Alliance's approach to elections and politics on WIN TV news.
Jess commemorates Hiroshima in Wollongong

Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Union legends back Jess!

Thursday August 5 - Some of the Illawarra's foremost fighters for social justice have backed Jess Moore, Socialist Alliance candidate, in the seat of Cunningham. Trade union legends Monica Chalmers (pictured, right), Neville Arrowsmith (pictured, left), Jim Keogh and Ken McBride have endorsed Moore and are actively assisting her campaign.
'I'm incredibly humbled to have people like Monica, Jim, Neville and Ken on board. They have tirelessly been at the forefront of struggles for workers' rights, women's rights, Aboriginal rights and other social justice issues.
'Change that put people before profit - universal healthcare and education, the 40 hour work week and the right to vote for Aboriginal people - were not gifted to us, but won by the trade unions and social movements. They were won by people organising themselves to act together for change. Here in the Illawarra, Monica, Jim, Neville and Ken are some of the people most responsible for leading progressive change.
'I'm proud to stand next to them, work alongside them and aim to carry on their tradition. They struggled with people and never gave ground to racism, sexism and attacks on the less well-off. They never gave up and they inspire me to carry on the struggle to put human need and the planet before corporate greed.'
Monica Chalmers was the first woman to head the South Coast May Day committee and spent decades in the union and women's rights movements. Jim Keogh is the secretary of the Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) Veterans, Southern branch. Neville Arrowsmith is a founding member of the Illawarra Labour History Society. Ken McBride is the assistant secretary of the Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) Veterans, Southern branch. All four have spent decades in the trade union and solidarity movements and continue to be active today for social justice.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Jess to preference Greens, then Labor before Liberal

Wednesday August 4 - Jess Moore, Socialist Alliance candidate for Cunningham, will direct her preferences first to the Greens' George Takacs, and then Labor's Sharon Bird.
'The Labor government has failed the Australian people. They have shown their inability to govern in the interest of people and the planet. But it's important to recognise that a Liberal government, led by Tony Abbott, would be even worse', said Moore. 'That's why we've chosen to preference Sharon Bird ahead of Philip Clifford in Cunningham.
'Our preferences go to George Takacs first. The Greens have a range of policies that are far superior to either major party when it comes to social justice and action on climate. That being said we disagree with the Greens' decision to issue an open ticket. It's an example of electoral opportunism to maximise votes. We preference in a principled way, from left to right, regardless of what it might mean for our vote.
'I strongly urge the people of Cunningham to maximise their vote. Vote Socialist then Greens, and then put Labor before Liberal. A large primary vote for Socialist Alliance and the Greens will show Labor that it's just not good enough to be 'less bad' than the Liberals. It will pressure Labor in the direction of social justice and environmental sustainability while not risking a Tony Abbot led government', Moore concluded.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Jess speaks to Illawarra teachers

Jess explained her support for a universal, free education system including TAFE. She advocated the abolition of TAFE fees and the student loans scheme because students should have a guaranteed income above the poverty line. She condemned the federal government cuts of $50 million to NSW TAFE and the ongoing privatisation of our education system.
Jess highlighted Socialist Alliance's opposition to the My Schools website and league tables. She argued everyone should have access to education regardless of wealth and background. For more information on SA's education policy visit http://www.socialist-alliance.org/page.php?page=195
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Busy few days for Jess

On Saturday Jess spoke at the 'Defending Aboriginal rights, eyewitness report from the Northern Territory' meeting in Wollongong. Check out earlier posts on this blog, or http://www.greenleft.org.au/node/44718 for more information.
On Sunday Jess attended the 'Solidarity with Gaza' lunch, organised by the South Coast Labour Council. Jess has been a long-time solidarity campaigner for the rights of Palestinians, including speaking at the Wollongong rally for Gaza earlier this year (check out posts from early June on this blog). Funds raised by the dinner will go to the El Wafa hospital in Gaza.
If you can help out with the campaign this week please call 0425 329 963.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Jess speaks to Australian Services Union
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Julia Gillard's climate 'plan': more talk while icecaps melt

Wednesday July 28 - 'Julia Gillard's "new" climate policy is the same as it was under Kevin Rudd: more talk, and inaction', said Jess Moore, Socialist Alliance candidate for Cunningham.
'But delay is denial. The climate crisis demands urgent action now. As Julia Gillard herself said in 2008: "Climate change is the biggest social and economic challenge of our generation. The science is overwhelming and after years of inaction, we can no longer sit on our hands and hope that the problem goes away".
'That’s why I and the Socialist Alliance support a comprehensive plan for stripping carbon emissions out of power generation, like Zero Carbon Australia’s 10-year stationary energy plan (see http://media.beyondzeroemissions.org/ZCA2020_Stationary_Energy_Report_v1.pdf). Immediate large-scale public investment for 100% renewable energy by 2020 is not only essential but would create jobs.'
Moore, a leading renewable energy campaigner in Wollongong, added: 'On July 23, Labor - equally frightened of offending the big polluters and losing marginal seats - joined the Coalition in producing more pretend climate policy, like:
- New coal-fired power stations having to be “ready” to capture carbon-dioxide when 15 coal-fired stations are on line in NSW alone and commercial Carbon Capture and Storage technology doesn’t exist;
- $1 billion over 10 years to upgrade Australia's electricity grid for renewable energy when the full cost of the job is about $90 billion;
- Cutting $520 million from renewable energy programs to fund a ‘cash-for-clunkers’ scheme - a handout to the polluting car industry!'
'The vast majority of Australians want to see a quick transition to climate sustainability. The sticking point is - who’s going to pay the bill.
'But it’s easy to find the resources if we want to. For example, the Zero Carbon Australia plan could be funded by cuts to wasteful military expenditure, subsidies to polluters and private schools and by taxing the corporate polluters and billionaires. This approach would also answer Coalition scare campaigns about "a great big new tax on everything".'
Moore concluded: 'The big parties are selling out our future at this election. People should vote for a climate policy based on the polluters paying and with boosted public investment in renewables at its heart.
'We should also mobilise and demand real action. The August 14 Walk Against Warming provides a great opportunity to do just that.'
Monday, July 26, 2010
Campaign leaflet - what we stand for
Friday, July 23, 2010
Jess interviewed on ABC radio
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Candidate helps build Aboriginal protest house in remote NT

Thursday July 22, 2010 - Jess Moore, Socialist Alliance candidate for Cunningham, has just returned from the Northern Territory where she helped put the roof on the Alyawarr people's 'protest house'. The Alyawarr people have walked out of Ampilatwatja, a remote Aboriginal town about 350 kilometres north east of Alice Springs, to protest government treatment and the Northern Territory intervention. They have set-up a camp on their traditional lands just out of Ampilatwatja; the protest house is the first building to be constructed.
‘The Alyawarr people are an inspiration; working on the house was just amazing. They are taking things into their own hands after repeated government failures in the areas of housing, health and education and being supported by solidarity activists and trade unionists. We need to show solidarity with the Alyawarr people and their walk-off', said Moore.
Moore also attended the Defending Indigenous Rights gathering in Alice Springs, which took place over July 6-9 and brought together 200 Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people from around the country.
‘The immense poverty and Third World conditions inflicted upon Aboriginal people was a stark feature of the gathering', she said. 'There were stories of communities without doctors, schools or housing, and the inability of remote communities to access fresh fruit or veggies (a lettuce cost $14(!) in one community). This was also very visible in Alice Springs with widespread homelessness among Aboriginal people.'
In Ampilatwatja, Moore could see first-hand the effects of the intervention. The complete lack of real employment for Aboriginal people was striking.
'There are people in the community who desperately want to work. And there is certainly plenty that needs doing. But with the intervention came welfare quarantining, and changes to the Community Development Employment Projects. Aboriginal people now are forced to work for the dole, and half their payment is put onto the Basics Card, which can only be used at certain stores to buy certain things', she said.
'This is nothing more than working for rations, and it’s happening across the Territory. Unless government policy changes more communities will follow the lead of the Alyawarr people. I'll be returning to the walk-off camp again to help out, and plan to organise others from the South Coast to join me'.
'Every election candidate should get out to remote Aboriginal communities and see the impact of the NT intervention for themselves. The gap is not being closed, it's getting wider. And an enormous amount of public money is being spent to starve Aboriginal people off their land.’
'The human impact of the racist NT intervention must be brought to light. Out of sight cannot be out of mind. Aboriginal people are living in Third World conditions in wealthy Australia. We must put an end to this!', she concluded.Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Northern Leader profiles Cunningham candidates

Sunday, July 18, 2010
The Cunningham ballot paper

Thursday, July 15, 2010
Jess helps build Aboriginal protest house in NT
Friday, July 9, 2010
Jess at the Aboriginal rights convergence

Monday, July 5, 2010
What Gillard did to higher education

By Jess Moore
Prime Minister Julia Gillard is seeking to differentiate herself from ousted Kevin Rudd to show her promotion to PM is more than an attempt to re-badge a political party in crisis.
In this context, it is worth looking at her record in government. This is a look at the changes to and proposals for higher education launched by Gillard as education minister in Transforming Australia’s Higher Education System, the government’s proposed 10-year agenda for reforming the nation’s higher education system.
For whole article visit http://www.greenleft.org.au/node/44639
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Jess to witness NT intervention first hand

In July, Socialist Alliance election candidates will be taking a trip to the Northern Territory to personally witness conditions under the federal government's intervention into Aboriginal communities.
SA youth candidates — and Resistance members — Jess Moore, Zane Alcorn and Ewan Saunders will join Indigenous activists, students, community groups and campaigners from across the country in Alice Springs for an important gathering of intervention-affected Aboriginal communities.
As Aboriginal rights activists, they are part of the national campaign to repeal the intervention, and will return home more aware and more inspired to act against injustice and wage effective solidarity campaigns
Jess Moore, candidate for Cunningham
The intervention promised to "close the gap", but it only delivered racism.
Aboriginal people continue to be disadvantaged and discriminated against. They are being forced to live in Third World conditions in wealthy Australia, under legislation that required the suspension of the Racial Discrimination Act.
For access to essential goods, services and infrastructure — a basic right for white Australia — communities are being forced to sign over their land rights. It’s a policy of starving people out to take their land.
All those who support social justice have a responsibility to put the human impact of the racist intervention on the agenda this election. Out of sight cannot be out of mind. We must put an end to this!
Calls to fund infrastructure and social services in all Aboriginal communities across Australia need to be actively supported. Local community control, which has been undermined by successive governments, must be restored.
The movement for Aboriginal rights must take its lead from Aboriginal-led resistance, such as the Ampilatwatja walk-off. The convergence of activists and traditional owners at the "Defending Indigenous Rights: land, law, culture" convergence is an enormous opportunity to do just this.
It is an important means to further the campaign against the intervention, to protect and advance Aboriginal land rights and culture, draw attention to the struggle for justice and to support Aboriginal people.
For more visit: http://www.greenleft.org.au/node/44557
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Gillard equals more of the same - We need real change!
Jess Moore, Socialist Alliance candidate for Cunningham, says Julia Gillard's ousting of Prime Minister Kevin Rudd is a blatant attempt to re-brand the Labor Party. She has called on people to vote for real change in the coming federal election.
"In the face of Rudd's epic nosedive in the polls since April this is a desperate attempt by Labor to re-brand itself. But the swearing in of Julia Gillard as Prime Minister will only mean more of the same for the people of Australia.
"As Kevin Rudd's deputy she has been as complicit as anyone in the actions of the ALP. This is a desperate attempt to re-badge a political party in crisis.
"Labor’s use of this same tactic in NSW with Kristina Keneally shows that, while it works in the short term, over time the focus shifts back to the issues.
"People are angry with what Labor has done - and failed to do - in government. We need real change, not more factional maneuvering from Labor.
"Gillard has been responsible for some of this government's most anti-social acts. As federal workplace relations minister, she maintained the Australian Building and Construction Commission which denies construction workers basic human rights. As education minister she allowed damaging school league tables to be used by the media, stigmatising those from disadvantaged schools.
"We shouldn't let the scrapping of Rudd fool us. We need a political alternative to the major parties.
"I promise to continue to push for real and immediate action on climate and for workers' rights. It's also important to continue the campaign against racism in this country, in particular the racism directed at asylum seekers. Australia must let the boats land and close the detention centres.
"In this federal election, we need real change, not more of the same", Moore concluded.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Community leader backs Jess

'I support Jess because I believe she and other members of the Socialist Alliance stand for justice and equality', Ali said. 'This is something we in the Lebanese community have had direct experience with, especially during the invasion of our country (in 2006)', he said.
Ali was referring to the close collaboration between the Socialist Alliance and the Lebanese and Arabic-speaking community in organising a 600-strong Wollongong demonstration against Israel's brutal invasion of Lebanon in mid-2006.
When asked why he wasn't supporting the campaign of either Labor or Liberal, Ali responded: 'Neither of the major parties understand the issues facing our community; I don't see the opposition as a better alternative regarding the issue of equality and justice. This is important because we are being targeted; we're on the back foot.'
Despite the small size of Socialist Alliance, Ali considers support for their campaign as more important than whether or not they will be elected.
'A vote for Jess Moore and the Socialist Alliance is an important protest vote, a vote of appreciation for the work they've done. I tell my friends, 'Why should these people sacrifice their Sundays for us? Why should they suffer harassment? They are not Muslim or Lebanese, it's a very noble thing to do.''
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Jess speaks out for Gaza
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Jess backs local residents at Calderwood
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Condemn Israel's attack on Freedom Flotilla!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Jess meets with Thai Red Australia
Sunday, May 23, 2010
I'm standing to put forward a real political alternative

Jess Moore, well-known community activist and part-time worker, will contest the seat of Cunningham on New South Wales’ south coast in the coming federal elections.
Moore, a member of Socialist Alliance, is a leading climate and renewable energy campaigner in Wollongong. She is active in the struggle for marriage equality and helped found the Illawarra Aboriginal Rights Group, set up in response to the racist Northern Territory intervention.
Moore was president of the Wollongong Undergraduate Students' Association in 2006 and is the national co-ordinator of Resistance, a socialist youth organisation. She introduces her election campaign below.
* * *
We can't wait for the world to change, we need to make it happen ourselves. I'm standing as a Socialist Alliance candidate to put forward a real political alternative, one that puts the interests of ordinary people before the profits of the big corporations.
Click here for full speech: http://www.greenleft.org.au/node/44175
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Jess speaks out for marriage equality
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Community activist Jess Moore to contest Cunningham

Jess Moore, well known community activist and part-time worker, will contest the seat of Cunningham in the coming federal elections. Moore, a member of Socialist Alliance, is a leading climate and renewable energy campaigner in Wollongong. She is active in the struggle for marriage equality and helped found the local Illawarra Aboriginal Rights Group, set up in response to the racist Northern Territory intervention. Moore was the president of the Wollongong Undergraduate Students' Association (WUSA) in 2006 and is the current national co-ordinator of Resistance, socialist youth organisation.
"Climate change is the greatest threat to ever face humanity. Yet Rudd and Labor have abandoned any action to reduce carbon emissions. They are totally tied to the interests of big polluters and refuse to put people and the planet before profits.
"The technology exists to move Australia to 100% renewable energy within ten years. We need leaders with the courage and political will to make the changes that the planet needs. We can't let current government inaction destroy our future."
Moore is also calling for society's wealth to be redistributed to ensure real rights for all, not just the rich: "Health, education and welfare are human rights. We need to pay pensioners, students and the unemployed a liveable wage; increase funding to our public schools, hospitals and higher education providers; and stop the sell off of our public assets.
"Through this election the human impact of the racist Northern Territory intervention must be brought to light. Out of sight cannot be out of mind. Aboriginal people are living in Third World conditions in wealthy Australia. We must put an end to this!
"We must also reject the demonisation of and racism directed at asylum seekers. We should welcome refugees with open arms, not turn back their boats or lock them up in detention. All people have the right to seek asylum and to live their lives free from war and crushing poverty.
"It's outrageous that the marriage act still discriminates against lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex people. It classes their relationships as different and unnatural. This is blatant discrimination. We must work to convince more people to actively support the struggle of the queer community to achieve real change.
"We need to build an Australia and a world that puts human need ahead of corporate greed. Ordinary people have the power to make change if we act together, to build radical movements for justice, equality, participatory democracy and sustainability. The world can't wait!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Walk Against Warming '09

Saturday, May 1, 2010
Jess Moore: 'We must stop violence against women'

Jess speaks to WIN TV about the struggle for women's rights in the lead up to Reclaim The Night in Wollongong: